Yellow table with black Fingo logo.
Photo: Mika Niskanen.


Fingo (Finnish Development NGOs Fingo) is the umbrella organisation of almost 270 Finnish civil society organisations (CSOs) engaged in development cooperation, sustainable development and global citizenship education and an expert in global development. Fingo and its Member Organisations work to make the world better – for everyone. 

Our vision

A just world – just for everyone

Justice, a sustainable future and human rights stand at the core of Fingo’s vision and mission. We see our vision as a picture of the world that we seek to achieve and are building together with our Member Organisations. We have a shared dream that our vision puts into words. The concluding line of our vision – just for everyone – is linked with the UN 2030 Agenda commitment to leave no one behind (LNOB).


Fingo acts as Finnish development CSOs’ concerted driver for change to make a sustainable future and human rights a reality.

‘A sustainable future’ broadens our field of vision and underlines that we are looking forward, into the future. We believe that cooperation is the only way to create permanent structural solutions that allow the world to function in a just and socially, economically and ecologically sustainable manner. Action to safeguard a sustainable future and justice for developing countries in particular is at the core of our work. We take this action together with our Member Organisations and support active civic engagement.

Basic tasks

  1. We bring our Member Organisations together and create opportunities for cooperation within Fingo and with external partners. We share our competences, learn from each other, innovate new solutions together and create partnerships. We defend an open, active and free civil society.
  2. Through training, working groups and learning materials arising from CSO needs, we strengthen CSO competences to operate amid continuous change. We explore suitable financing opportunities for CSOs and provide Member Organisations with advice in project quality development. We monitor the CSO financing situation and safeguard the interests of our Member Organisations.
  3. Our core advocacy task is to influence political decision-making for the reduction of inequalities and realisation of human rights. We conduct sustained advocacy on development policy and financing, action in defence of the space of civil society and consistent promotion of the structures and principles of sustainable development.
  4. We communicate in a powerful manner about the important and effective work CSOs carry out around the world. Information that is reliable and takes different perspectives into account is needed to support decision-making and choices. Our communication seeks to inspire and engage people in Finland to take action for a more just world.

Our values

  • Cooperation
  • Listening and dialogue
  • Courage and proactivity in taking a stand
  • Renewing and building the future

Fingo’s values are related to the way we work as a cooperation organisation. Together with our almost 300 Member Organisations, we foster diversity, which is a key characteristic of well-functioning democracy and a strong civil society. CSO diversity provides citizens with multiple channels for participation and influence. Courage and proactivity in taking a stand are characteristics of a strong and independent civil society actor. Renewal and building the future are aspects linked to expectations of building our new organisation on previous successes.

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