Suomalaiset kehitysjärjestöt – Finnish Development NGOs Fingo Annual General Meeting, Spring 2023
Time: Tuesday May 23, 2023 starting at 12.30 (Note: the official AGM begins at 3.30 p.m.)
Place: Tiivistämö, Suvilahti, (Sörnäisten rantatie 22/Kaasutehtaankatu 1, Helsinki). You can also attend the AGM remotely. The link will be sent to those who have registered.
Invitations to the AGM are emailed to all contact persons and general email addresses of member organisations. If you wish to check or update your organisation’s contact person, please email
NOTE: Please register by Friday 19 May 2023 at the latest.
Please register for the meeting using this link.
Please send your scanned or photographed proxy to by Friday May 19, 2023 at the latest. Proxies received after this date will no longer entitle the holder to attend the meeting as a voting representative. Please find a proxy template here (pdf).
Force for change
Inequality and climate change are challenging people and societies around the world. Civic space is shrinking, and foreign and security policy has returned to the center of political discussion in Finland as well. Sustainable development should be advanced, but the various simultaneous crises challenging the world have slowed down development and set it back decades.
What kind of internal and collaborative efforts should NGO’s take to be able to respond to the challenges posed by the operational environment? What are the best tools for advocacy, so that social transformation progresses in the direction we wish for? How do we safeguard our own resources while doing this work?
In the aftermath of the Finnish parliamentary elections in April 2023, the eyes of the NGO’s turn to the future. It’s time for NGO’s to think about what foundation the recent election results provide for civil society activism in the coming years. To what extent does change come from our inner selves?
Educator, work coach and yoga teacher Miia Toikka will fuel the conversation. She has a long background in development cooperation and has held policy expert positions in non-governmental organizations, state administration and the UN. The idea of the connection between internal and external change resonates strongly in Miia’s approach to the force for change: our ways of being and encountering society influence the kind of world we are creating.
The whole programme will be held in Finnish.
12.30 Registration begins
13.00 Opening of the AGM and practical instructions, host Mika Niskanen
13.05 Spring seminar: Force for change
The seminar will be held in Finnish.
13.05–13.35 Miia Toikka: Changemakers’ resources. Opening speech and exercises.
In what ways are we as individuals and communities part of a wider systemic change? What ways of being and encountering society would promote a profound change towards a more sustainable world?
13:35–13:45 Overview of the parliamentary election results and government negotiations.
What kind of advocacy did we do during the elections and what kind of framework for the upcoming election period will the ongoing formation of the government give from a foreign and security policy perspective? Ilmari Nalbantoglu and Silla Ristimäki
13:45–14:25 Organizations as a force for change in global issues now and in the future.
Panel of Fingo member organisations and discussion.
14:25–14:35 Reflection talk + exercise, Miia Toikka
14:35–14:40 Closing speech, Rilli Lappalainen
14.40 Introduction of new members: Rilli Lappalainen
Kodin Kestot ry, United Diaspora ry, Liana ry, Suomen Operaatio Libero ry
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 Fingo’s Annual General Meeting. On the agenda:
Nomination of the Election Committee
Annual Report of 2022
Financial Statements and the auditors’ report
17.00-18.00 Refreshments. Featuring Powerbank’s Peter Njuguna (Powerbank/Fida) and Rosebellah Nyanchoka (Powerbank/ISF)
Executive Director´s invitation
Annex 6A Election committee (in Finnish)
Annex 7A Annual Report 2022 (in Finnish)
Annex 8A Financial statements 2022 (in Finnish)
Annex 9A Auditors´ report (in Finnish)
Remote participation instructions (in Finnish)
Members´ number of votes (in Finnish)
Arrival at Tiivistämö and accessibility
Tiivistämö is located in the middle of Suvilahti’s cultural and event area in building number 5. Entrance to the area is from Sörnäisten rantatie 22 and Kaasutehtaankatu 1. More information about Tiivistämö.
Tiivistämö has unobstructed access from the door on the left side of the main doors, which is marked with a sign indicating accessibility. The door leads to the Lämpiö space, from where you can take a wheelchair lift to the hall. The accessible toilet is located in the lobby.
The escort traffic stop is located near the entrance (distance no more than 5 meters), from where you can get to the entrance. You can drive to Tiivistämö from Sörnäisten rantatie and through Kalasatama.