Development Cooperation Today


Investments in development cooperation are worthwhile when such work is effective and conducted sustainably. This means empowering developing countries to control and take responsibility for their own development.
Development cooperation is today realised in more forms and by more actors than ever before.
This report aims to illustrate how development cooperation is working today, through practical examples.
Sustainable results can only be achieved if developing countries’ own parliaments, local authorities, impoverished communities and women are given more influence over developments.

ISSN 1236-4797
Painetun version ISBN 978-952-200-173-3
Sähköisen version ISBN 978-952-200-174-0
Sivumäärä 20
Kieli Englanti
Kirjoittajat Esa Salminen, Kirsi Salonen, Miia Toikka (eds.)
Julkaistu 01.12.2010
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